




我们不希望同学们因疫情在家线上学习,而得到低于在校教学标准的学习经历,而是希望我们的学生能够结合当下的特殊环境背景,继续贯彻进行达罗捷派学院办校以来就倡导的项目制创新学习,让同学们在家学习也能拥有一段更有价值、更有意义、难忘又特殊的学习经历。为此,达罗捷派Principal Jing带领教研团队日以继夜地在进行课程创新。学校新学期的教学将根据当前的社会背景进行全面更新,所有的课程都围绕疫情相关主题的项目式学习(PBL)开展。同学们将学到很多有用、有意义、有价值的内容,并通过实际行动去转化自己的力量。

开学第一天,Principal Jing 在镜头前与全体师生共同分享了疫情冲击下对于庚子新年的感悟,以及对未来的憧憬与期许。

Good morning, JPED students, faculty ,staff members and parents. I hope you guys have stayed safe and sound during the break. Well fed, well rested, some of you guys probably even picked up a new skill or acquired a new interest. I saw some of the photos in the group. Some of you guys cooked, Fabulous! Some of you even kept on reading, writing, learning. Awesome! I hope you guys are super excited for the new journey, new exciting and meaningful journey of the second semester of JPEDS 19-20 Year.


WechatIMG93.jpeg 达罗捷派一角


So let me start by telling you a little bit about what I’ve done for the past month,by sharing some of my personal stories. Because I believe the most personal can be the most creative sometimes - This quote is also used by 《寄生虫》’s director. He brought back four Oscar’s prizes for this film just about last month. So Spring festival went really well for me, a lot of my distant relatives flew in town and I served as the host for them. We gathered around for all those six or seven days on 大年三十。


We spent a day at my grandma’s place. Despite her symptoms of Alzheimer ,that day, she was able to recognize all of us.She kept on telling everyone how great of a baby I was, For those of you who don’t know, she raised me till I was three and half years old. She told everyone I was an awesome baby, I never cried and I never peed my pants. Not sure to what degree ,are those are true. But In her vision ,I was a perfect baby. So that day when I got home, I couldn’t help but wonder several things.The first thing I couldn’t help but wonder is have I lived up to her standards? When she laid her eyes on my silly chubby face and held me close to her arms all the time. What expectations did she have for me? Have I lived up to it so far? But I’m not now, am I?

大家可能并不知道,三岁半前,我是在姥姥家 – 一个部队大院儿里长大的。记忆中的她对我的关怀无微不至。举个例子,我从小便喜欢在梦里创作,为了收集灵感,总是要她在睡觉前给我讲故事讲到入睡,有时一讲便是一两个小时。她却从不觉得麻烦,还逢人便夸我是如何的温暖懂事,从不哭闹、从不尿裤子的生活琐碎都令她如数家珍。我们暂且不去核实老人的讲述是不是真实,但是那份爱,如今的那份牵挂,是真实的。然而,岁月就是一把利刃,如今的姥姥,不再年轻,甚至已经出现了一些阿尔兹海默症的症状,但在大年三十那天她还是准确的认出了我们所有人。依旧用那微弱的声音夸赞着我曾经是多么可爱温暖的小宝贝。此时的我,百感交集。扪心自问,许多年前,当姥姥望着襁褓中的小婴儿时,她的期许是什么呢?我达到了吗?倘若没有,那还有多远呢?当她渐渐老去,我是她的依靠吗?我能做些什么呢?

截屏2020-02-21下午8.00.54.jpg Principal Jing与积极温暖的姥姥

I mean I definitely envisioned me taking care of her when she’s getting older and incapable of taking care of herself.But I’m not now, am I? I have made excuses to come and see her only once every other week, sometimes when I travel, once every month. By telling myself I’m too busy, I’m a career woman, I’m running a school. But I work really, really hard right now, so that in 5 or 10 years I can spend real quality time with her. But deep inside, I know sometimes later never comes, and I already know I’ll regret this one day.


或许,实现自己的价值,才是对她最大的回报吧。既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程 – 这是父母对我办学初期便有的告诫。




So after that, on a happier Note. I’ve finally mastered the skill in mahjong under a lot of training from my aunties. We played from dawn to night, and then night to dawn again. I even practiced on my cell phone. I was obsessed with getting better at it, that whole week I did nothing but mahjong, and then suddenly I remembered when I was little, there had always been people playing mahjong at my house, all the time. And I never understood why they would waste their valuable time to do such a repetitive thing. They became so fatigued and loud and there was always a loser who’s not happy at all. Why would adults do such a tedious thing and call it fun? Why would they then forbid kids to play with their friends and waste time, I just remember writing on my diary, how comes fun means such different things for different people? Shouldn’t fun mean doing meaningful things? Shouldn’t fun be exploring new things? New ideologies? Making new friends? Under so much influence of super hero movies and Disney films and reading the stories of these great people in history that have saved our nation from time to time.This is something I believed:fun should mean changing the world!




I wrote this when I was 13: Dear diary, Please remember only changing the world should be fun for you, playing mahjong should not be one of the fun things. Stay focused! But.. now You see? I played ! Even worse than that, I was unapologetic, I told myself this is a family bonding activity. I should not be ashamed of breaking that vow to my dear dear diary - which was my closest and most trustworthy friend when I was young and went through purity and felt lonely. So what have indeed changed? Is baby Pei smarter than the adult Pei with all that degrees and experiences? I don’t have the answer for that, but from now on, I’ll be visiting and consulting baby Pei a lot more than before. She seems to embrace more compassion and she is broader.So I just want to wraps up by saying that "Often in life, we don’t live up to our hopes and dreams, as a kid, it’s easy to fall off track. Things change Gradually without us noticing it. Sometimes it’s because the environment isn’t right, sometimes it’s because we as humans naturally seek for comfort , we don’t want to get tired, we don’t want to get frustrated, so we procrastinate, so we retreat, so we get lazy and stay in our comfort zones, but i‘m telling you now, hey guys, guys, it’s a trap!! The greatest minds reach success by delaying their satisfaction, there’s a whole lot research done on that topic, that’s why we have each other here as classmates, as friends, as family members, as teachers and students. So we would watch out for each others and catch each others when we fall of track. so that’s all for one, and one for all, JPEDERS!”

13岁的时候,我在日记本中又写下了这样一段话:“亲爱的日记,请记住,改变世界对你来说应该是乐趣,打麻将不应该是一件有趣的事情。初心不能改变!”但是,现在如你们所见,我开始玩麻将了!更糟糕的是,我对此毫无歉意,并催眠自己—这只是家庭聚会。事实上,我不应该违背在青春年少时,对那些最亲密的、最值得信赖的仿佛朋友一般的日记本许下的诺言。我到底发生了怎样的改变呢?难道受过良好教育、拥有更多人生阅历的大敬沛变得没有童年时的小敬沛那么聪明了吗?对于这个问题,我没有答案。但从现在开始,我会更多的向内探索,与内心中的小敬沛畅聊。她似乎拥有无限的同情心,还更勇敢。所以 "在生活中,我们通常很容易就会偏离轨道,无法履行小时候的希望和梦想。因为事情会在我们没有注意到的情况下逐渐发生改变。又是因为我们人类本能的寻求舒适感,我们不想疲累,不想懊恼,所以我们开始拖延,开始退却,开始懒惰,甚至一直停留在自己的舒适圈。那些伟人,是通过延迟自己的满足感而取得成功,这无可质疑。我很庆幸,现在的达罗捷派学院能够承载这份期待和改变,当我们跌倒和偏离轨道的时候,互相扶持。人人为我,我为人人!"





We are in this together!! To take this into a larger scope, As you all know, this year has started really rough in China, we are the heat now once again in global news all over the world. It aches my heart to watch the feeds that are exaggerating with all kinds of different interests that wants to view things in a bad angle. It’s already devastating our economy and jeopardizing our political stance alongside with many other traumas that would take time to heal. Do we need selfish non-constructive criticisms from anyone? Perhaps not. So I could‘t stop but wonder again, catastrophe happens like this once a while, why? Perhaps it brings out the best and worst from people. Because someone said before “Only in danger, we start to see light in humanity. “



达罗捷派X-Club带领家长们参加Color Run迷你马拉松合影

My heart and spirit are with the nurses and doctors that volunteered to be on the front line, working 20 or 24 hours per day, sacrificing their time with beloved family, and being in danger of getting infected. From the billions of dollars , from private sectors to the janitor, that was caught on film to donate 10,000 yuan at the Non profit’s reception. Just about three days ago, I saw a video recorded a grandma donating all of her savings of 50,000 rmb to the police station, simply said - our nation is in huge trouble, I want to help. I saw that and it brought tears to my eyes. She lived alone and lived off 2000 kuai of pension money and she was willing to give all of her savings. And then I thought, that’s great! that’s love! that’s compassion. But how is that ok?  You know, Dr. 钟南山 is 86 years old and he is leading our medical team at the front line. Why are you  still young, and capable and sometimes even get bored at home, I don’t know what you are feeling exactly, but whatever you are feeling. Let‘s start to take on these responsibilities on our own shoulders gradually. We don’t have to take on all of it, but gradually , step by step, one by one.




And on that note, let’s take a good 10 seconds to give our most sincere prayer to those that have injured or dead from this epidemic and for those that have fought in danger. (ten second’s later)



I know Some might even say, well, that’s their role to play, as nurses and doctors . Then I will raise you with this question, what is our role to play as educators and as students— the future of the country, especially the at JPED,that we pride ourselves with compassion and innovation? How do we, at this moment ,embrace our belief and faith when it’s most needed? Needless to say, we become what we do and what we say. our actions and words shape us into who we become. So let me ask you this question, what did you truly aspire to be when you joined JPED? When you go abroad one day and perhaps come back one day, how will you be proud of your country? And most importantly, how will your country be proud of you?

我知道有些人会说,这就是他们的职责,因为他们是护士和医生。顾炎武曾经说过“天下兴亡匹夫有责”,作为教育者和学生,我们应该扮演什么样的角色? 国家的未来,是青年的未来,我们承担责任的同时,也将享受无限的回报。我们如何把同理心和创新投入实践?我们如何拥抱自己的信仰和追求?请务必言行合一,在这里,我特别想问下大家,当你加入达罗捷派的时候,你真正渴望成为什么的人?当你有一天出国,或者有一天会回来,你会为你的国家感到骄傲吗?最重要的是,你的国家会为你而骄傲吗?2019年开学伊始去秦皇岛海边全校团建时,我在海边图书馆的墙上看到一句话,放到此时尤其应景:“如果我会发光,就不必害怕黑暗;如果我自己是那么美好,那么一切恐惧就可以烟消云散”。 

WechatIMG91.jpeg 2019年达罗捷派秋季拓展·读书分享会

Most of you probably have seen In the short film, I know there are many basketball fans and lovers or players out there in our school. In that short film directed by Kobe Bryant, he says “my dear basketball, you asked me for my hustle, but I gave you all my heart and soul.” I know there are people who will give their heart and soul to this place we built together, and now it’s time for us to take on these challenges together , as one, to solve some of the questions, some of the puzzling questions that we are facing as a nation right now.




So I’m not sure what exactly lays ahead, when are we allowed to come back to school and have classes again. But this I know for sure, with unity and common value, we stand, with selfish and greed and laziness, we will collapse. This I know for sure. Together, let’s take this time to act on solving some of our most pressing issues, cherish everyday when we are still alive and energetic and capable of thinking and doing. 

If you share the same value and interest of being compassionate and innovative and daring. Together we will move mountains, make waves, and change lives.; I hope you still remember the vows you’ve taken on the first day of school. If not, let’s repeat together:

we dare to explore when others retreat.

we dare to speak when others remain silent.

we dare to give more when others turn their backs.








We Care So We Dare

Once again, never ask what our country can do for you, always  remember to ask: what you can do for your country. Because believe it or not, in the worst time, it brings out the best of humanity.I believe in you, and let’s go!
